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Controversial Materials Policy

Lebanon Public Libraries recognize the pluralistic nature of their community and the varied backgrounds and needs of all citizens. They also recognize that many library materials are controversial and may offend some patrons. However, it is not the library’s responsibility to practice censorship. No library materials will be excluded from the collection because of the race, nationality, sex, political, social, or religious views of the author. Censorship is purely an individual matter and while anyone is free to reject for her or himself materials of which she or he does not approve, censorship cannot be exercised to restrict the freedom of use and/or access to others.

Selection is based on the criteria given throughout this policy document and does not represent an endorsement by the library of any theory, idea, or lifestyle. Processing and shelving of materials in no way reflects a judgment of the materials. There will be no labeling of items or of catalog cards to indicate point of view or bias.

The responsibility for the usage of library materials by children rests with parents and legal guardians. Selection of materials for the adult collection is not restricted by the possibility that children may obtain materials their parents consider inappropriate.

Individuals or groups objecting to any portion of the library’s collection may initiate a formal request for re-examination by filling out a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials and Programs form. The final decision for retention or removal rests with the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees.

Library Bill of Rights

The Lebanon Library Board of Trustees supports the Library Bill of Rights.

Freedom to Read Statement

The Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees supports the Freedom to Read Statement.

Approval of Selection Policy

Must be made by the Board of Trustees.

Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 22, 2000 Revised: February 24, 2009; December 22, 2009