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Social Media Policy


The Lebanon Public Libraries have established social media sites primarily in order to:

  1. Inform patrons about library programs, events and services, including encouraging dialogue and an exchange of information between staff and patrons.
  2. Provide a method for community feedback.
  3. Foster the exchange of ideas among colleagues within the professional library community.
  4. Provide better overall service to our patrons.

Libraries should serve their communities and help to create new communities. Social media offer a way for us to extend this service into the digital world.


The Lebanon Public Libraries encourage the use of social media to further the outcomes of the library and to assist us in our mission to better engage with our community. To ensure that communication through library social media networks is consistent and in the best interest of the library, this policy provides guidelines for the use of social media.

Policy Detail:

  1. All Lebanon Public Libraries social media platforms created by employees or volunteers will be subject to approval by the Library Director or Deputy Library Director.
  2. All library social media sites shall be kept up to date with content relevant to the libraries’ mission and of interest to its patrons. This material should serve to inform and engage patrons and encourage dialogue.
  3. Information posted by the Lebanon Public Libraries should be consistent across social media platforms and with the library website.
  4. All social media accounts shall be identified as belonging to the Lebanon Public Libraries and shall include the library logo.
  5. Library Information Technology staff shall make themselves available to assist with configuration or maintenance of social media accounts as needed.
  6. Administration of the library’s social media networks shall be as follows:
    • The Information Technology staff will maintain a list of social media platforms that are in use including login credentials and who is responsible for administration of the account.
    • The staff member who initiates the use of a social media platform will be responsible for the day to day administration of the account. These duties will include:
      1. Posting frequent, current, relevant items that are of interest to our patrons and the library community as a whole.
      2. Responding in a timely way to all communications made through social media.
      3. Moderating postings and conversations on social media to ensure that they are in compliance with this policy.
      4. Ensuring that the social media account serves to promote the goals of the Lebanon Public Libraries.
    • The Library Director may close accounts if necessary.
  7. The library is firmly dedicated to the principles of freedom of speech and intellectual freedom. These concepts should always be kept in mind when deciding if a comment or posting needs to be deleted. The general rule that can be applied is if it would be inappropriate in the library, it is also inappropriate on our social media accounts and is subject to removal. Only general guidance can be supplied when it is necessary to remove content posted by staff or the public, as every situation is unique. Library staff should use their best judgment in the moderation of postings submitted by the public. Staff members should always keep in mind that when responding to comments or posting on behalf of the library, that they are speaking for the library, not themselves.
    If a particular post is about a particular individual on staff, that individual shall not have the authority to remove that post, but may request that the Library Director have it removed if they feel that it is abusive.
    Library staff shall remove any content or posts that violate this social media policy or any applicable law.
  8. All posts or comments should be saved as screenshots prior to being removed.
  9. Physical threats should be reported to the police department along with the screenshot along with any information that is available such as the author of the post (or their username), when it was posted, and on what social media platform.
  10. The library shall retain these records in case they are needed for evidence in the future.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees: February 25, 2014