Use of the meeting rooms is primarily for educational, cultural or civic organizations that are free and open to the public. The exceptions are board meetings for non-profit groups, which may be held in these rooms even though these meetings are not open to the public, and for-profit groups which may use meeting rooms for a fee. Publicly advertised meetings or programs must be open to all.
No groups or individuals may charge attendees, solicit donations or sell items or services.
Commercial use of library meeting rooms is generally not permitted. However, a commercial entity or professional practitioner may use a library meeting room to provide an educational program open to the general public related to their field of expertise. In such a case, an educational opportunity offered by an expert provides benefit to the public. During such a program, no attempt may be made to sell, at the time of the program or in the future, a specific product or service offered by the entity or practitioner or any other commercial interest. Therefore, the individual or entity offering the program may not hand out business cards or brochures promoting any business, product or service and may not solicit personal information (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) from the program participants, either as part of a pre-registration process or during the program itself.
Authors and artists hosted by the Lebanon Libraries may offer their works for sale incidental to a lecture or performance. Further, the Library Director may make exceptions for seminars, lectures and programs held in cooperation with the library, or for adult education courses sponsored by an established educational non-profit institution.
Granting permission to use library meeting rooms to any group, organization, or program does not constitute an endorsement by the Lebanon Public Libraries, its staff or Board of Trustees. Our meeting rooms are available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
It is understood that library programming will have first priority in room use, and that room bookings made by outside groups may be preempted for library purposes. Meeting room bookings will be canceled by the library for any individual or group that does not arrive within 20 minutes of the start of their booking. When a meeting room is left empty for more than 20 minutes during a reserved time, the library will assume that the meeting has ended and will open the room for others to use.
All meeting rooms must be vacated fifteen minutes before library closing time, with the exception of the Kilton Community Room when it is booked after hours.
The library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing or other items brought to the library by any group or individual attending a meeting.
Groups organizing private events (such as birthday parties), and those charging for their services or programs may not use the library’s meeting rooms.
The library reserves the right to cancel or suspend at its discretion any activity which disregards the library’s rules and regulations and/or eject any participant engaging in disruptive, destructive, unruly or illegal behavior/conduct.
Meeting rooms should be left the way they were found. All supplies, food, drinks and trash should be removed by the user at the completion of the use of the room. For groups not using the kitchen there is a “pack it in, pack it out” policy. A cleanup fee of $25 may be charged for rooms left in a disorderly condition. The individual who completes the registration form will be held responsible for damage. No tape of any type may be used on our walls. Please plan to bring an easel with you if you need to display materials.
Individuals and groups will be responsible for setting up tables and chairs for their meetings when needed. Library staff will provide assistance with equipment, such as the screens . Staff assistance may be unavailable when the Kilton Library Community Room is booked outside the hours when the building is open to patrons.
Groups are prohibited from making statements in their advertising or meeting announcements that suggest library sponsorship or endorsement.
Neither the name nor the address of the library building may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization.
The libraries cannot provide storage areas for groups using the rooms on an ongoing basis.
As per City Code Article 14-3 (Alcoholic Beverages), “No person shall consume any liquor or beverage while in, under, above or upon public streets, alleys, sidewalks, parking lots or other city-owned land…”. Anyone suspected of drinking, using drugs or exhibiting behavior considered inappropriate by library staff will be asked to leave immediately. In addition, as is indicated by City of Lebanon policy, smoking is prohibited. Special exceptions may be made for events at which alcohol will be served. Permission must be granted by the Library Director, an Application for Use of City Property & Waiver for Alcohol Use form must be sent to City Hall, and the waiver must be issued by the City Manager.
The Community Room at Kilton Library is a multi-use room with a seating capacity of 100. There is a tv screen available that can be connected to the internet. This meeting space is available outside of the hours when the library is fully open to the public.
The Conference Room at Kilton Library is for meetings of 12 or fewer. There is a tv screen available that can be connected to the internet.
The Tutorial Room at Kilton Library is for meetings of 5 or fewer.
The Damren Room at Lebanon Library is for meetings of 30 or fewer. There is a tv screen available that can be connected to the internet.
The Rotary Study Room is for meetings of 6 or fewer.
The Arcade is for meetings of 5 or fewer. There is a tv screen available that can be connected to the internet.
For-profits may use the rooms at a rate of $25 per hour. Tutors may use the meeting rooms for free.
Parking is available at the Kilton Library in the parking lot behind the building, and on Tracy Street. Please do not park in the parking lots of nearby businesses.
All Lebanon Library parking is on-street.
The Library Director may occasionally make exceptions to this policy, on a case by case basis.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: June 22, 2010 Revised: July 26, 2011; November 26, 2013; May 26, 2015; Sept. 19, 2015; Nov. 22, 2016; July 31, 2018, March 22, 2022, April 23, 2024