Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a cooperative system by which patrons may borrow materials not owned by the Lebanon Public Libraries. Other libraries may borrow materials owned by the Lebanon Public Libraries.
Interlibrary Borrowing
Anyone with a current Lebanon Libraries card in good standing may request the Lebanon Libraries to borrow an item from another library. Cardholders may request any and all materials without restriction. However, the Lebanon Libraries respect all restrictions placed on materials being borrowed from lending libraries such as in-library use only, shortened loan periods, no renewals, etc. Cardholders will be informed should an item have any of these restrictions.
Only in special instances (at the ILL librarian’s discretion) will an interlibrary loan be processed for titles owned by the Lebanon Libraries.
A cardholder may borrow up to four titles at one time. More titles may be requested at the discretion of the ILL librarian.
Multiple copies of the same title may be ordered for cardholders leading private book groups as long as the cardholder agrees to be the responsible party for the group and takes full responsibility for any lost or damaged book group items.
A lending library may charge a fee for service. Payment of this fee is the responsibility of both resident and non-resident card holders. The Libraries will notify the cardholder to seek approval of the fee before ordering a fee-based interlibrary loan item.
The Lebanon Public Libraries do not charge fines for overdue items, including those that have been obtained through ILL. Patron accounts are restricted when items are overdue by more than 14 days. Patrons may ask to have their ILL materials renewed. However it is up to the lending library to grant renewal. If the request is denied, then the item will need to be returned at the due date.
Continued cooperation between lending and borrowing libraries is essential to the smooth functioning of the interlibrary loan system. It is crucial that all ILL materials be returned on time.
When interlibrary loan materials are lost or damaged, the Lending Library will be consulted to determine their preferred replacement method, cash or replacement copy. Lebanon Library Interlibrary Loan librarians will handle all communications with the Lending Library and will coordinate the replacement. The replacement copy must be a new copy of the title and be the exact edition that was damaged or lost. Lebanon Library will purchase the replacement copy on behalf of the cardholder and will charge the cardholder's library account for the cost of the title or the replacement fee. The cardholder must reimburse Lebanon Library before any future interlibrary loan orders are made on their behalf. For damaged items, once paid for or replaced, the library patron may keep the damaged item if the Lending Library agrees.
Interlibrary Lending
The Lebanon Libraries will lend to all NHAIS libraries. Non-NHAIS libraries may borrow materials at the discretion of the ILL Librarian.
Materials of all types, including media and magazines are available for loan. Items from the library’s Cool Stuff collection are available for loan if they can fit in the ILL bin and the ILL librarian determines that they can be transported safely. Reference materials will be photocopied or scanned. Photocopies of materials will be made free of charge, with a copying limit of 10 pages.
Items will be checked out to libraries for six weeks. Renewals are possible at the discretion of the ILL librarians.
Materials will be delivered via the van for NHAIS libraries. U.S. mail delivery is used for non-NHAIS libraries. Generally, there will be no charge for postage. We will transmit documents electronically, license agreements permitting. An official representative of the borrowing library may pick up an ILL item in person. The patron from the borrowing library may not. Exceptions may be allowed by arrangement with the ILL librarian.
Materials for NHAIS libraries should be returned via the van. U.S. mail delivery should be used for non-NHAIS libraries. An official representative of the borrowing library may return an ILL item in person. The patron from the borrowing library may not. Exceptions may be allowed by arrangement with the ILL librarian.
When items are returned to our libraries in error by patrons who did not obtain the items through ILL, we will make every effort to return the item to the owning library.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: February 25, 2003 Revised: February 24, 2009; January 5, 2015, November 24, 2015; January 30, 2024