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Confidentiality of Patron Records Policy
Pursuant to RSA 201-D:11, patron records are confidential and shall not be disclosed except upon request by or consent of the user or pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by state, and federal statute.
Patron records are used solely for library operational or fundraising purposes by the Lebanon Public Libraries Foundation. When non-resident patrons register for cards, library staff will ask for consent to allow their addresses to be used by the Lebanon Public Libraries Foundation for fundraising purposes.
Information listed in patron records (titles checked out, contact information, etc.) will not be released to any individual outside the organization beyond the cardholder and anyone authorized by said patron to use the card.
The library does not retain records of patron use of library computers or on the Internet. We make every effort to ensure that patron privacy is protected. The statute that protects confidentiality of patron records does not extend to the presence of patrons or staff in our public facilities.
New Hampshire’s library records privacy law (RSA 201 D:11) protects the privacy of all borrowers, including children, regardless of their age. The records of children ages 8 and over who have their own library cards are subject to the same privacy restrictions as the records of adult borrowers, and the library will not share those records with others, including parents and legal guardians. Patrons do have control over the privacy of their own records, however, and families may make their own decisions about the amount of privacy they wish to maintain within their families. For instance, children may make the decision to add their parents to their library account. The distinction lies in the difference between what the library staff can legally do and the choices that families are free to make for themselves.
APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 02/24/2009; Revised 04/26/2016