The purpose of this document is to explain the circulation of items from the Lebanon Public Libraries.
All library cardholders will be treated equally regarding access to library materials. No restrictions will be imposed based on the type of card held by the patron (teacher, staff, non-resident, etc.).
Eligibility for a Free Library Card
Any resident of the City of Lebanon may make a statement of residency attesting that they live in Lebanon and obtain a free library card. They can provide a physical description of their residence if not the address.
Ownership of property in the City of Lebanon will qualify a person to receive a free library card.
Any City of Lebanon employee will be issued a free card regardless of place of residency.
Any staff member or student in the Lebanon schools or enrolled in a college located in Lebanon will be issued a free card regardless of place of residency.
Any Lebanon business or non-profit agency will be issued a card in the name of the owner or CEO. The business must provide an official business letter stating that the owner is responsible for all items borrowed and any charges incurred. The card must be presented when borrowing.
Individuals may obtain a free library card at the Library Director’s discretion in special circumstances.
Any person not meeting the above conditions may obtain a library card at the following rates:
Patron Type | Yearly Membership | 6-month Membership |
Nonresident family | $100 | $50 |
Senior citizens | $75 | $40 |
Senior residents of Hartford, VT (age 60 or over) Residents of Hartford, VT with a child in school through High School |
$30 | - |
Lost or Damaged Items
When a patron loses an item or returns library material that cannot be easily repaired or cleaned, they must pay the replacement charge listed in the borrowed item’s record or purchase a replacement copy. The replacement copy must be a new copy of the title and be the exact edition that was damaged or lost. In extenuating circumstances, the library director may authorize the acceptance of another edition. For damaged items, once paid for or replaced, the library patron may keep the damaged item. If a patron finds an item within 30 days of paying for it, the library will refund the payment.
Patrons may not return an item that has been removed from the system. They will need to pay for the item as they would if it was lost. The patron is welcome to keep the item.
For items with no price in the record, the retail cost of the item will be charged.
Overdue Materials
Patrons will not be charged an overdue fine for returning items after their due date.
Patrons will be restricted from checking out materials if they have materials which are overdue by more than 14 days. Patrons are encouraged to renew items they wish to keep longer than the original check out period.
Missing Items
When patrons state they have returned items that are still on their record, the items should be checked in and marked missing.
Loan Period
Items may be borrowed for the following time periods:
Item Type | Circulation Period |
Books and audiobooks | 3 weeks |
DVDs and magazines | 2 weeks |
Games, puzzles, Cool Stuff | 1 week |
Museum Passes | 3 days |
Interlibrary Loans | Determined by loaning library |
All items except museum passes and interlibrary loans may be renewed up to three (3) times by library patrons unless there is a hold placed on the item. Library staff may renew items for patrons beyond the three renewal limit as they see fit. Interlibrary loan renewals are determined by the library that owns the materials.
Some items must be used only at the library. Reference, local history, and any library equipment typically should be used in-house. Library staff may allow exceptions to this rule.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 6/17/03 Revised: 1/24/06; 4/24/07; 1/26/10, 6/22/10; 9/28/12; 11/26/13; 5/6/14; 1/1/2015; 5/26/15; 11/24/15; 5/24/16;10/25/16; 3/28/2017; 3/26/2019; 11/23/2021; 1/25/22, 11/22/22