Bulletin Board Policy
Bulletin boards in the libraries’ foyers are used for the posting of local community events announcements, and city and municipal postings. Bulletin boards within the libraries are for library related postings only. This policy also pertains to literature & flyers distributed on counters and in display racks in other areas of the library.
- One bulletin board in the lobby in both libraries is designated for City of Lebanon postings only.
- Community events postings will be allowed for four weeks maximum.
- Postings for community events must have a neat appearance; edges not torn or frayed, message in good penmanship or print. Preference will be given to posters/announcements that are 8 ½” x 11” or smaller. Larger signs are posted space permitting. Preference is given to events less than 3 weeks from the date of the event. Events announcements must be from non-profit organizations and must be for educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities. Priority is given to events in the Upper Valley, but groups meeting all other criteria will be considered on a space available basis.
- Sponsors of the events must be non-profit organizations, or proceeds must go to a non-profit organization. Exceptions may be made for flyers from local bookstores promoting author visits and notices of lost neighborhood pets or other events at the director’s discretion.
- Announcements of political forums may be posted. Handouts representing all candidates, such as those prepared by the League of Women Voters may be distributed. Handouts and posters about individual candidates or campaigns will not be accepted. Materials supporting or opposing any current or pending ballot measure will not be posted. Official election information including sample ballots may be made available.
- The library reserves the right to rotate all announcements in order to provide an equitable amount of time and space for each announcement.
- The library does not advocate or endorse the activities of any individual or group posting announcements.
- All items on the library bulletin boards are at the discretion of the library and may be removed at any time and for any reason.
Approved by the Board of Trustees April 6th, 2012; Revised Sept. 27, 2016