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Use Explora to search multiple databases for information on your topic.

Students and Educators

Explora Primary Schools

Aimed towards students from kindergarten to 5th grade.

Explora: Educator's Edition

Lessons plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources for teachers.

Business Searching Interface

Search for country economic data, company profiles, industry information and market research. Check out the “Browse” section on the right!



Free online health resource provided by the National Library of Medicine, which is part of the National Institutes of Health.

Health Resources: Consumer Edition

Health resources for the general public, covering topics like wellness, prevention, and general health information.

Consumer Health Complete

A more comprehensive health database that contains general information and also more in-depth content suitable for researchers, healthcare professionals, and students.

Salud en Español

Una base de datos de salud más completa que contiene información general y también contenido más profundo adecuado para investigadores, profesionales de la salud y estudiantes. Consumer Health Complete in Spanish.

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